An Update from President Carrube

July 25, 2023
An Update from President Carrube


1.   The First check will be the August 3rd check

That means the Pay Period is July 16-July 29

That puts us at the first 3 raises. (2%, 2.25%, &2.50%=6.75%)

2. The Second check will be the August 17th check

That means the Pay Period is from July 30-Aug 12

That puts us, DEPENDING ON YOUR RDO's, at a mix of the first 2 days, Sun July 30 & Mon July 31 at the 6.75% raise and the rest at the 2.75% raise starting Tues Aug 1.

(If your RDO's are Sun/Mon this check may represent the entire 9.5% contractual raises.)

Also, as per the MOU, Power Dept. MS1’s and SS1’s will receive their new rates of pay on this check beginning August 1, 2023.

3. The Third check will be the August 31st check

That means the Pay Period is from Aug 13-Aug 26

That will represent the FULL 9.5% contractual raises in this MOU.


The retro is on target for the 9/28/2023 paycheck.


The deferred comp deadline to the 401K/457 for employees to make their election is9/14/2023.

Employees will be notified of deferral starting on 8/14/2023.


OT Cap:

The OT Cap has been set to zero effective June 27th.